Navigator® Water-Cooled Screw Chiller

Variable Volume Ratio (VVR®) Compressor

Navigator’s performance is optimized for every condition and at every hour of the day with Variable Volume Ratio (VVR®) technology and patented high-efficiency oil separation. VVR compression technology senses the precise amount of lift needed and adjusts the compression ratio on the fly to deliver optimal efficiency, regardless of ambient temperature or time of day.

  • Efficiencies that meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 – 2016 levels
  • Reduced sound levels at all load points through built-in and patented compressor mechanics

Integrated Variable Frequency Drive


Navigator introduces a breakthrough in performance with a single VFD-driven compressor, ideal for applications unsuited to traditional centrifugals or magnetic bearing solutions. The VFD dynamically adjusts compressor speed in direct response to varying loads and evaporator/condenser pressures.

  • Maintains a lower condenser water temperature to adapt seamlessly to diverse conditions
  • Single-rotor design ensures quiet operation across all load conditions
  • Reduces size requirements of backup generators, ensuring an efficient use of resources during unexpected outages